Steered by the vision of an aspiring artist, Madhu Chandrika, Earthen Symphony started its journey in 1995 as a design studio. Over the years, her passion has touched the lives of several others who have joined her to transform every space into a visual masterpiece. From eclectic to ethnic and traditional to contemporary — all our artefacts have now been culminated into an extensive catalogue with over 900 off-the-shelf products to choose from.
We believe that it takes more than just time and thought to find the right artwork. That is why our select Experience Centers come outfitted with high resolution screens showcasing these extensive catalogues to help you pick out art that best complements your space.
Anup Shah Law firm has a very modern and minimalist interior. When there was a need for a means to liven up the space, the idea was to grab the essence of the work culture.
The Work Day denotes the typical corporate and urban society of today. It shows how people are so different yet involved with the society or environment around them. The installation is a contour work which reflects how well humans could adapt or blend into the urban culture. The installation not only blends well with the architecture but is also a kind of illusion. It seems as if the figurines are walking towards you even when viewed from either side.